samedi 21 mai 2011

News / Miracle Battle King : Promotion Card Pack

Comme je l'avais annoncé un peu avant, le site officiel des Miracle Battle Carddass vient de dévoiler les 9 promos offertes aléatoirement dans le Promotion Card Pack du tournoi Miracle Battle King. Voici les 3 promos DB :
Like I previously announced, the Miracle Battle Carddass official website has just revealed the 9 promo-cards which are randomly offered in the Promotion Card Pack of the Miracle Battle King tournament. Here are the DB one :

Comme vous pouvez le voir, rien de bien nouveau. Il s'agit des illustrations présentes sur le packaging des DB05 et 06. Un Gogeta pas terrible, un Vegetto moyen et un Vegeta Super Saiyan 3 sympa. Une fois de plus, les One Piece et Toriko me semblent un cran au dessus... Notez que les DB-35, OP-35 et TR-35 (Gogeta, Luffy et Toriko) semblent être des gold-stamping.
As you can see, nothing really new. Illustrations come from the packaging of DB05 and 06. Gogeta looks terrible, Vegetto average and Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta pretty nice. Once again, One Piece and Toriko's promo-cards seem to be much better... Notice that DB-35, OP-35 and TR-35 (Gogeta, Luffy, Toriko) look like gold-stamping cards.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

I feel that SSJ3 Vegeta is kind of a big deal and should not be just a card or video game character. I would love to see Toriyama tell this story, although I doubt he's been consulted.