Thanks to ranma67 for noticing on it, a few japanese websites announce release of the Miracle Battle Carddass DB07 for August (whereas OP07 and TR02 are coming in June). Programme : orgy of overpowered soldiers and Super Saiyan 1 2 3 and 4 !

(Bien sûr, les visuels sont provisoires)
Il y aura 91 nouvelles cartes réparties en :
- 40 communes
- 20 non-communes
- 10 rares
- 8 super-rares
- 6 super omega-rare (une de plus !)
- 7 miracle-kira
Les miracle-kira vont apporter une nouvelle habilité dénommée "spark", tandis que les super omega-rares seront à l'effigie de Gokû Super Saiyan 4, Kame Sennin, Super N°17, Freeza, Trunks Super Saiyan 3 et... un personnage mystère !
Il y aura 91 nouvelles cartes réparties en :
- 40 communes
- 20 non-communes
- 10 rares
- 8 super-rares
- 6 super omega-rare (une de plus !)
- 7 miracle-kira
Les miracle-kira vont apporter une nouvelle habilité dénommée "spark", tandis que les super omega-rares seront à l'effigie de Gokû Super Saiyan 4, Kame Sennin, Super N°17, Freeza, Trunks Super Saiyan 3 et... un personnage mystère !
(Of course, this is not the final design)
There will be 91 new cards divided into:
- 40 common cards
- 20 uncommon cards
- 10 rare cards
- 8 super-rare cards
- 6 super omega-rare cards (one more again !)
- 7 miracle-kira cards
Miracle-kira cards will be bringing a new ability called "spark ", and the super omega-rare cards portraying Super Saiyan 4 Gokû, Kame Sennin, Super No.17, Freeza, Super Saiyan 3 Trunks and... mystery one !
There will be 91 new cards divided into:
- 40 common cards
- 20 uncommon cards
- 10 rare cards
- 8 super-rare cards
- 6 super omega-rare cards (one more again !)
- 7 miracle-kira cards
Miracle-kira cards will be bringing a new ability called "spark ", and the super omega-rare cards portraying Super Saiyan 4 Gokû, Kame Sennin, Super No.17, Freeza, Super Saiyan 3 Trunks and... mystery one !